Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our "Young at Heart" is made up of anyone who is fifty-five or older. We meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month. These meetings consist of devotions, testimonies, business, games, along with covered dish dinners, cook-outs, or we may go out to a resturant to eat.
Each year on Memorial Day weekend we attend our Senior Adult Retreat in Mauldin, SC. This is a great time of good fellowship, food, fun, games, and cash prizes along with gospel singing and worship. We also take a yearly trip to the mountains in the fall. We invite you to come out and join the "Young at Heart" and enjoy life!
Each year on Memorial Day weekend we attend our Senior Adult Retreat in Mauldin, SC. This is a great time of good fellowship, food, fun, games, and cash prizes along with gospel singing and worship. We also take a yearly trip to the mountains in the fall. We invite you to come out and join the "Young at Heart" and enjoy life!